In the spirit of awareness and information about breast cancer in Greece, the Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois” with the approval of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Organization on October 01, 2023 organized the symbolic race and walk Greece Race for the Cure® . The Greece Race for the Cure® is now one of the most popular breast cancer awareness races in Europe, while it is the largest sporting event with a social purpose in Greece, gathering more than 264,000 entries throughout the history of the event since 2009. In Greece Race for the Cure® women, men and children unite in the fight against breast cancer once a year, participating in a big celebration.
Globe Williams Greece – a proud sponsor of “Alma Zois Organization” – was present with many of its executives joining in this cause. We encourage everyone who might want and is able to help the unprecedented effort of the “Alma Zois” organization. Information at the link,